Ukrainian Orphan Support

Since the war broke out, IHC’s role in Ukraine has changed from facilitating orphan hosting to supporting orphans and their caregivers, as well as aged-out orphans. While IHC desires to continue to facilitate hosting in the future, until the Ukrainian government gives approval, we are not able to move forward with hosting there. Supporting orphans and their caregivers includes, but is not limited to: financing transportation, lodging, food, clothes, essentials, medical needs, caregiver costs, and schooling. Our goal is to come alongside the orphans and their caregivers to provide not only physical support but also emotional support. IHC is assisting both orphan groups that are still in Ukraine, as well as those who have already evacuated. The needs are ever-changing, and with each day, we learn more about how we can assist the orphanage caregivers in their roles and how we can best support the children.

Our support during this crisis:

  • Provide food and supplies for our orphanages still stuck in dangerous areas with no way to leave.

  • Support the short-term needs at the facilities the children and caregivers have been moved to.

  • Support the long-term needs for children, orphanage staff, and other refugees related to our host program.

  • Help facilitate and retain established relationships with host families. 

  • Support aged-out orphans that have been evacuated.

  • Encourage an environment that promotes a Ukrainian culture

  • Long-term partnership with support from America.

  • Meet the unknown needs that arise from the war.