Misha is the youngest of three brothers. His oldest brother will soon age out and we think that Misha is the one that will do the best and will benefit the most from being hosted this summer. He loves sports. His director called him, “The Sportsman” when he walked into his office. He is very smart. He loves tae kwon do. He also loves soccer, running, tennis, and swimming.

He would definitely prefer being outside over being inside. When I asked if he had a lot of friends or a few good friends, he explained that he had a few good friends and that he gets along best of all with kids near his age. He is an extrovert who thrives from being around people he said. When I asked him what he would buy if had all the money the money to buy anything he wanted, he said he would give half to the orphanage and with the other half would buy himself a car (Bugatti) and a telephone.

Misha had a very interesting answer when I asked him where he would love to live (anywhere in the world). He said he would love to live in China. He said he loves sushi (I think he mixed the countries up, lol.) But he said that he thinks he could learn how to conserve water and electricity by living in Asia. He likes animals, especially dogs and rabbits. His favorite color is red. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, he replied, “A businessman.” More specifically, a restaurateur.  He has a cookbook and knows how to cook a lot of things he says.