Are you ready to change the life of an orphan this summer?

View waiting children now!


Hosting is a life changing experience for an orphan child and for the family that opens their hearts and homes to them. Some of these children have never had, or were too little to remember a normal family life. You can help change that! You show them what a loving family is all about, to be loved and cared for without conditions. 

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View Photo List

We are signing up families for summer 2018 hosting now. Sign up to view the photo list of waiting children! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!

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Your donation can literally change the life of a great child that just needs a chance. Your donation will help us get a sibling group or older child hosted that would otherwise have little to no chance of being hosted.

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Home Renovations
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.
Commercial Construction
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.
Woodwork and Carpentry
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.
Flooring and Tiling
Eos eu feugiat molestiae, possim sanctus dolorum eam. Ei bonorum verterem sed, an mei assum consequat.

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families,"

Psalm 68:5-6a